
Staff Blog Disabilities

Article Date | 11 December, 2017

A disability never limits a person to what they can achieve – despite popular belief. For example, I have Dyslexia and I have achieved a BA Hons in Special Educational Needs, DTTLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, QTLS (Qualified Teacher Status), and now I am studying part time at Southbank University undertaking a MA in SEND (Special Educational Needs Disability).

I am very proud to work in Disability Services at LSST. We as an organisation provide a supportive and inclusive service following the regulations from the Discrimination Act (1995). We have a record of disabled students and they all are doing really well and achieving the marks of high quality.

Case Studies

Part of my role as Disability Officer and Student Support is to engage with students on a one to one basis. I would like to highlight some successful outcomes in supporting LSST students.

Student X had low self-esteem and low confidence. I worked with the student to help build confidence at the beginning of an HND in Business course. I worked very closely to guide and coach with assignments as it took a longer time for him to process work. Once this was achieved, the student’s self-esteem and confidence increased and he is now studying for his top-up degree.

Student Y had a disability and passed everything apart from one module. She received a referral a few times so this was very disappointing for her but I encouraged her to continue and keep trying eventually she passed and is now studying for a top-up degree.

These are just two examples of showing how perseverance and a keep-trying attitude will achieve your goals.

Last case scenario a student who had difficulty in receiving a pass for his last assignments there was a lot of times he had to resist which disturbed his confidence, but with my support and encouragement to carry on, he eventually passed and now is studying for his degree,

I have supported many other students with disabilities. One further case that comes to mind is a business Foundation Degree student who has mental health issues which means there is a lot of need for one to one contact. This student has now received all positive feedback from her lecturers and other colleagues. She is doing well it’s just a matter working with her to build up her confidence which is getting better as LSST has put the correct support put in place.

A professional manner in communication with learners with a disability

There are two types of views regarding disability: (a) The Social Model which looks at how we can change the environment around the learner’s disability; for example, what interventions can be put into place to support the individual, and (b) the Medical Model which looks at the actual disability. This later model is very negative for the learner concerned as it only focuses on what the be individual would ‘not’ be able to achieve because of their disability. So therefore, to fully inclusive and supportive for all aspects of learning is to try and look at the individual in what they can achieve with appropriate support. For example, in practice, while working with a learner who was diagnosed with high functioning autism, it took lots of support and recommendations for him to be on a course which was appropriate for the individual’s respective needs.

Finally, I would like to encourage any of you that have a disability to come forward to disability services and request support for your studies. Please do not feel that you cannot achieve! Any disability doesn’t prevent you from achieving your goals – only your viewpoint does.

Contact Details

02087953863 Ext 054
