Here at LSST we ensure that through our vision, values, relationships and teaching we promote tolerance and respect for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles.
We have a duty to prepare our students for life in modern Britain and to keep them safe. To that end, through our practice and academic delivery, we have incorporated the full set of British Values into everything that we do.
What are British values?
According to the Department for Education (DfE) British values are:
“The precious liberties enjoyed by the citizens of the United Kingdom.”
Consequently listed below are some examples of how we promote these values in LSST:
The college espouses the ideals of democracy through the use of regular elections to the counsel of the student union (of which membership is opened to all students) as well as the active encouragement of student union activity. Participation in the college's day to day activities by the union are in the educational interests and welfare of its members and as such are further encouraged in its communication with its students, the details of which are governed by the Student Engagement Policy.
The rule of law
LSST is run strictly in accordance with a range of internal policy documents, which are applied consistently across the college. The college has in addition adopted the policy of the OIA best practice standards allowing students to express their genuine dissatisfaction should this occur, the framework of which allows these complaints to be dealt with promptly and without fear of detrimental or biased repercussion as a result of such complaint. The college has a security policy in the monitoring of premises and runs regular training with its staff in regards to the Prevent Protocols as required by all Higher Education Institutes.
Individual Liberty
Individual Liberty is actively encouraged through our Equality and Diversity Policy, which is regularly reviewed for not only legislative compliance but also to ensure that it is in line with the current ethical social mores of the student and staff population which actively bans the discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity status, race religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Mutual respect and tolerance
Mutual respect and tolerance is further protected through the provision of a cultural norm of tolerance, the provision of multi faith rooms, cultural celebrations across different divides, student support and the safeguarding of vulnerable persons. Procedural safeguards in regards to safeguarding measures in the provision of external speakers and contractors are enforced across the college. Finally, the college ascribes to a strict anti bullying and harassment policy, the violations of which are taken seriously and where necessary have been appropriately handled by senior management levels of the college overall in line with our Policy on the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Freedom of expression
Freedom of expression is fully promoted as a fundamental and basic human right which is detailed through our External Speakers and Safeguarding Policy. Guest speakers and their topics are screened and vetted by a senior member of staff with training in the Prevent Protocols prior to any event where it is planned for them to communicate or engage with the student population. Personnel and their proposed content is viewed with an eye to ensure LSST has performed in its legal duty to secure the development of students’ ideas and understanding in the context and form of academic freedom on campus.
Nonetheless, the college recognises that even though an external speaker or their topic of discussion has the potential to go against our conditions for a safe event, we are committed in working together with event organisers, and in some cases the external speakers themselves, to make sure that we reach a judgement that is reasonable, informed and within the law. While the college adheres to a Prevent Extremism and Radicalisation policy, all training strictly espouses the ethos of the policy in that it is not to be utilised as a curtailment to freedom of speech. Student are further encouraged to speak their minds and have their views known on all matters whether contentious or controversial.