Learning the Art of Happiness at LSST: Embracing Joy, Contentment and Courage
Article Date | 31 May, 2023
By Chompa Rahman, Business Student (Y2), LSST Luton campus, winner of LSST’s Writing Competition 2022 with CNN and Tony Blair’s Institute for Global Change
Some of the most fundamental human questions are ‘How do I stay happy?’ and ‘Why is life so difficult?’. Such questions arise because of our innate search for happiness – albeit often misguided. We should be happier than ever with everything that modern civilisation provides in the name of happiness, including infinite entertainment, the internet, and wardrobes full of clothes, right? I mean would anyone want to live in this world 100 years ago or more? The World Happiness Report (2019-2023) found that self-reported levels of happiness decreased throughout the latter part of the 20th century before dropping precipitously after 2010 (see World Happiness Report 2019 and 2023). So, why is this? After another year dominated by stress, conflict, uncertainty and, more recently, the cost-of-living crisis, it can be difficult to remain happy. However, this article will look at possible ways to help improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being – all of which can add up to greater happiness while studying at LSST:
Money can’t buy happiness
The common statement ‘money can’t buy happiness’ is a catchphrase that implies that having material wealth and possessions does not guarantee a happy and satisfying existence. While it is necessary to have enough money to cover basic expenses and live comfortably, surely if a certain salary threshold is achieved, accumulating more money does not always translate into a happier life. How much happiness can money buy exactly? Most people can’t quantify this.

What is happiness and why is it important?
Happiness can be broadly interpreted as a pleasant emotional state highlighted by emotions of fulfilment, joy, and contentment. As we are all different, happiness can mean different things to different people. For some, it might represent success in their personal or professional lives. For others, it might mean enjoying the small joys of life, like spending time with loved ones or participating in hobbies. Thus, happiness is a key aspect of our lives whether it be for our mental health or our day-to-day activities.
The experiences that come with being a student can be many and varied - and there is a lot going on that we can all relate to, can’t we? So, it’s crucial to give yourself some time to care for yourself and your happiness.

Embrace the bright side
It’s easier said than done, right? In times like this where the cost of living is on the rise, travel strikes are happening every other week and the economy is struggling and so is the NHS, it’s not easy to distract the mind to stay positive. However, consider the benefits of your degree programme rather than focusing on the challenges and difficulties ‘outside’. Keep in mind the reasons you chose this academic route and consider the advantages and opportunities that will result from earning your degree.

Happier health
Know that your physical and emotional health are intimately linked when you are considering how to be happy. Many of us are all too acquainted with having a bad day and then reaching for junk food to console us, only to end up feeling worse physically and emotionally.
However, that same power may be utilised to create and support a happy cycle. For instance, following a happiness diet where you are eating more healthier foods rather than processed ones which are high in sugar can result in feelings of anxiety and depression. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to waking up the next morning feeling energised and ready to capture the day rather than pressing buttons all night on your phone which can lead to less sleep and to then feeling grumpy and moody – resulting in a less productive start to the day. Breathing in fresh air and moving around can also help to limit your stress so going for a run or hitting the gym before a lecture is happiness medicine which can only add to making you feel better.

Stay on top and give yourself a break
Happiness can be increased by organising your study time into doable chores and establishing attainable goals. Always schedule time away to do the things you love. For instance, rewarding yourself with a delicious meal or a spa day or simply purchasing something for yourself after finishing an assignment or passing an exam can all increase your happiness levels and inspire you.

Stay grounded but dream big
Goals are effective tools for happiness. Dividing one of your main priorities—such as significantly contributing to your field of study—into smaller tasks will help you to keep organised, work harder and succeed. For example, if you have a project due or group work make sure work is assigned to each individual and mark the dates of when it is due. Or thinking about what dream job you might want to do after you finish your degree so starting to make a CV is a small realistic goal in the right direction.

Create unbreakable bonds
We all love a good chat don’t we? Keeping in touch frequently with loved ones can offer you emotional support and empathy. Make time to communicate with others, whether it is through face-to-face gatherings, telephone talks, or online conversations. Your happiness and well-being can be considerably enhanced by having meaningful relationships with loved ones. To grow your network and establish a feeling of community, look for social connections through clubs, organisations, or local events.

Overall, happiness is a very important part of our student lives. Having a proactive strategy that prioritises self-care, personal growth, social relationships, and a positive mentality is necessary to maintain happiness as a student. Finding a balance between obligations to your academic pursuits and those that make you happy and fulfilled is essential. Students can create a pleasant and fulfilling LSST experience by developing self-awareness, practising self-care, developing a support system, making attainable objectives, managing their time wisely, and maintaining relationships with loved ones. Keep in mind that happiness is a personal experience, so figure out what approaches are most effective for you. Making your health and happiness a priority will not only improve your university experience overall and develop you personally it will also help you achieve your academic achievement as a student and beyond.
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Heid, M. et al. (no date) Happiness: Definition, health benefits, and how to be happier, EverydayHealth.com. Available at: https://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/all-about-happiness-and-how-to-be-happier/ (Accessed: 8 May 2023).
Happiness among UK young people has hit 13-year low; study finds (2022) The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/feb/23/happiness-among-uk-young-people-has-hit-13-year-low-study-finds (Accessed: 14 May 2023).
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