LSST Aston Student Entrepreneurs Showcase Innovations at Campus Fair

By Kunal Chan Mehta | Article Date: 3 April 2023

A much anticipated LSST Student Entrepreneurs Fair took centre stage at LSST’s Aston Campus showcasing student achievements and progress in transforming the future through ideas, creativity, innovation, and business development.
The LSST Student Entrepreneurship fair acts as a beacon of hope for LSST Aston students who aspire to become successful and stand-out entrepreneurs. Speaking about the event, Mohsin Riaz, Dean of LSST Birmingham, said: ‘Although the fair has showcased the compulsory skills, knowledge, and resources our students have to start and grow their own businesses, it has empowered them to become self-reliant and make a constructive and beneficial impact on society.’

The fair, coordinated by Irina Barariu, LSST’s Engagement Officer, and also former Student Union President, was an enormous success with enthusiastic contributions from over 100 students and staff. Irina said: ‘The fair allows students to meet like-minded individuals who share the same passion for entrepreneurship. Thanks to the support and guidance provided by the LSST Aston team, we have all learned a lot from the experience and expertise of one another.’

Lynnette Douglas, LSST’s Student Support Lead, commented that the student entrepreneurs demonstrated their ability to identify market gaps and develop products and services that meet customers' needs. Further, the fair showcased various innovative ideas, from sustainable energy solutions to cutting-edge technology applications. One of the student entrepreneurs, Mihai Gabriel Otincelescu, shared his experience: ‘The LSST Entrepreneurship Fair has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and turn my ideas into reality. Thanks to all the students and staff involved, I have discovered valuable skills such as market research and financial management to help me to start my own business soon.’

Mr. Ali Jafar Zaidi, LSST’s Deputy CEO said: ‘The LSST Student Entrepreneurship Fair is fast proving to be a catalyst for change by empowering students to become agents of change and create a better future for themselves and their communities. The programme's success is a testament to the dedication, commitment, and hard work of the LSST Aston team who have gone above and beyond.’
To learn more about the LSST Entrepreneurship Fair and how to get involved, contact Irina Barariu via
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