
LSST cements top positions for annual National Student Survey 2023 with 94.5 per cent responding positively to teaching staff

Kunal Chan Mehta

By Kunal Chan Mehta | Article Date: 16 August 2023

Image: LSST Marketing/Nasir Bashir

LSST is celebrating its latest triumph in gaining an impressive set of top positions in student satisfaction, with an overall positivity score of 89.4%*, based on the publication of the National Student Survey 2023.  Of the 27 taught category questions, a whopping 26 scored 85% or higher, with 11 scoring over 90%.

The official measure of student satisfaction shows that LSST has achieved top positions in course satisfaction, student learning opportunities, assessment and feedback, academic support, course management, student voice, and student mental wellbeing support compared with universities in London, Luton, and Birmingham (where LSST campuses are located)*:

‣ Top position in course teaching satisfaction compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in student learning opportunities compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in assessment and feedback compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in academic support compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in course organisation and management compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in student voice compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position in student mental wellbeing support compared with universities in London, Luton and Birmingham*

‣ Top position for overall student positivity scores across all questions at 89.4% (this is also the top position across all universities in London, Birmingham and Luton and in the top 32 across all UK providers on taught first-degree courses)*

*Source and methodology: NSS 2023 data – taught not registered and first degree only – was averaged for universities in London, Luton, and Birmingham as this is where LSST campuses are located. For further details, please contact our data department via

‘We take pride in our consistently strong performance, showing an unwavering commitment to excellence and quality in every aspect of our performance,’ said Mr Syed Zaidi, LSST’s CEO, commenting on the top position results. ‘As a core factor of our strategic priorities, we remain steadfast in our responsibility to deliver outstanding education and support to our students. This untiring dedication to excellence is vividly reflected in our year-on-year NSS achievements, underscored by the unwavering trust bestowed upon us by our students, staff and alumni.’

‘It is encouraging to see that LSST students gave a positive response of 93.84% when asked if they feel free to express their ideas, opinions and beliefs on our campuses,’ asserted Mr Ali Jafar Zaidi, LSST’s Deputy CEO. ‘This is an indication of the phenomenal work that our staff and Student Union undertake to create an environment where a diverse range of views and ideas can be discussed, debated and differentiated.’

The NSS is an independent survey that asks final-year undergraduate students for their feedback about what it has been like to study on their course. The LSST NSS 2023 survey had a record-breaking 83% response rate from 1053 final-year students, surpassing the sector average of 71.5%. Building on the insights from last year’s survey, LSST has performed very well year-on-year across all student satisfaction questions. Here is an overview of how LSST scored in terms of student satisfaction in key areas:

Image: LSST Marketing/Nasir Bashir

‣ Teaching on my course (LSST: 91.7% vs 84.8% sector benchmark)

‣ Learning opportunities (91% vs 81.3% sector benchmark)

‣ Assessment and feedback (87.8% vs 77.8% sector benchmark)

Academic support (88.9% vs 83.5% sector benchmark)

Organisation and management (87.7% vs 73.6% sector benchmark)

‣ Student voice (87% vs 71.9% sector benchmark)

‣ Student Union (86.6% vs 71.9% sector benchmark)

‣ Mental wellbeing support (88.6% vs 75.4% sector benchmark)

‣ Freedom to express ideas (93.84% vs 85.87% sector benchmark)

Source: NSS 2023

‘While we are all proud of this exceptional success, we must recognise that this cohort experienced significant disruption from the COVID lockdown and I thank them, with enormity, for everything they accomplished in the face of such challenges,’  added Dr George Panagiotou, LSST's Principal. ‘I would also like to thank all the students who completed the survey to share their experiences and I am delighted to see the high levels of positivity from our students across our London, Luton and Birmingham campuses.’

Liliana Andronie, LSST’s Student Union President, said: ‘The excellent student experience at LSST and quality of education go hand in hand. This is why I am committed to ensuring that LSST students continue to have excellent representation from the Student Union for their academic interests.’

The survey – one of the largest of its kind in the world, with over 339,000 responses across the UK this year – asked students about mental wellbeing services and, in England, freedom of expression for the first time as part of a broader review. The updated NSS gives Higher Education providers a more accurate picture of student views and will ultimately help providers to improve the experience for all students.

View the full NSS results here:

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