LSST’s 2019 UWL graduates congratulated for breadth, inventiveness and rigor

By Kunal Chan Mehta | Article Date: 26 July 2019
At LSST, Graduation Day marks the end of one life chapter and the start of the next. It is a time when our students take a look back at what they have accomplished since they first arrived at LSST and how they have changed and developed – as an individual and as a part of a community.

This year’s majestic UWL graduation ceremony, held at the spectacular site of Twickenham Stadium, celebrated the breath, inventiveness and rigor of over 100 LSST UWL 2019 graduates from LSST campuses across the country.
The ceremony is a collective time for celebrating the civic-commitment championed by LSST’s students across the country. LSST is honoured by all of its students’ accomplishments and maintains that its collective student effort improves year on year.

Alina Emanuela Kiriac, a business graduate, speaking about her experiences said: ‘LSST has taught me to be confident and ambitious! My life-changing vocational journey and experience is down to my amazing lecturers who I will always stay in touch with. I thank LSST for helping me find my passion and to think globally.’

Mohammad Riaz, a business graduate, added: ‘I have learned so much from my time at LSST. I experienced so much from learning the skills to analyse hard problems through to having a resolute respect for the facts and the truth. It really is true to say that so many lessons I’ve learned at LSST were not just from my academic modules.’
Mr Syed Zaidi, CEO and Founder of LSST, announced: ‘It is my great honour to congratulate those of you who have faithfully and energetically served LSST and, by doing so, have reached an important landmark in your lives. LSST has taught you to live your own life – not the one that others have planned for you – so, go forth, remain aspirant and take a part of LSST with you. But never forget the moralities of tolerance and respect that you have established with us. Live these! Hold them close! Everyone is enormously proud of you today and we are sure you will continue to make us proud of you incessantly.’
Mr Syed Zaidi went on to add: ‘I wish to thank Vice Chancellor Professor Peter John for his leadership and vision that continues to drive UWL to ever greater heights. UWL continues to set new standards in the field of vocational education.’
Mr Mohammed Zaidi, Deputy CEO of LSST, added: ‘Along with your friends and your family, we all are rightly proud of you and are delighted to celebrate your achievements and academic acumen. Do include LSST in your future plans and goals. Do not become a stranger – you are always welcome back to share your success with current students. By working together, we really can accomplish great things!’

Professor Peter John, Vice Chancellor of UWL, said: ‘We welcome guests and staff to celebrate the successes of graduates from our accredited courses with LSST. UWL is proud to be the Career University, with a mission to inspire our students to become innovative and creative professionals and connect them to exciting and rewarding careers.’
Professor Anthony Woodman, Deputy Vice Chancellor of UWL, added: ‘We wish LSST’s UWL graduates every success in the future and remain convinced that they will use their new knowledge and skills to make a positive contribution within their workplace and the community.’

This year’s graduation comes at the end of an encouraging period for LSST in which it has achieved its highest number of student applications across its London Alperton, London Elephant and Castle, Luton and Birmingham campuses and continues to remain one of the most industry-connected and recognised HE providers in the country.

5 thoughts on “LSST’s 2019 UWL graduates congratulated for breadth, inventiveness and rigor”
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Blessed people. Wow. Well done from me. Good luck with your future
“No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” -Robert Southey
“This is the beginning of anything you want.” -Unknown
Well done, good luck and all the bests 🙂
Congratulations to everyone!
This is my target also.
well done everyone – im proud also and in y2 so will seek inspiration from you soon.
My complements for the hard work done by LSST to make our students to be more valued in academic excellence graduates of West London University. Great achievement. Congratulations.